Tag: en
Evergreen Recertification (case study)
Customer’s question: “Do you perform CE certification of a machine after modernization? It’s about retrofitting the machine with a safety cage. The machine itself has CE certification.”The answer is (obviously) both yes and no. Czytaj dalej …
Essentially Minimum Requirements
At almost every meeting (conference, training session, etc.) dedicated to machine safety, where PIP (Polish H&S surveillance body) is involved, an obligatory item on the agenda is a chart illustrating the relationship between minimum and essential requirements. It’s like there was an initial chaos, then essential safety requirements were introduced for newly produced machines, and for… Czytaj dalej …
Keep distance! — positioning of AOPD according to ISO 13855
An Active Opto-electronic Protective Device (AOPD), commonly referred to as an optical curtain or scanner, can be used to protect humans from hazardous machine components in accordance with the ISO 13855 standard, harmonized with the Machinery Directive, which ensures compliance with the essential safety requirements for machinery. The article discusses methods of determining the required… Czytaj dalej …
CE Mark — Right or Obligation?
What is a totalitarian regime? It is a regime in which everything that is not prohibited is mandatory. The CE mark is much alike. Every product introduced to the European market that falls under the „conformity assessment system” and no other, must have the CE mark. This means machinery must have it, but (e. g.) partly completed… Czytaj dalej …
# en -
Repair or replace — upgrading machines today and tomorrow
When it comes to the question in the title, it’s not just about the financial, technical, and organizational aspects. Legal requirements also need to be taken into consideration. What can you do with a machine and when? At every training regarding essential safety requirements for machinery and CE marking, a recurring question is asked like a mantra: is re-certification… Czytaj dalej …
but the holes remain — about ISO 13857 and others
Blacksmith’s hand will, statistically speaking, be slightly thicker than one of a fashion model — but the standards do not address this. Instead, the biggest divergence in defining the dimensions of the human body occur between standards for different types of machinery. Are there any significant anthropometric differences between a welding machine operator and a milling machine operator, though?… Czytaj dalej …
(UE)2023/1230 89/391/EWG 2000/14/WE 2001/95/WE 2006/42/WE 2009/104/WE AI CIOP deklaracja zgodności dokumentacja domniemanie zgodności en EN 201 EN 415 EN 547-3 EN 619 EN 894 EN 954-1 EN 1034 EN 13128 EN 14738 EN 60204 EN 60745 EN 60947 EN 61496 EN 62841 Hałas Import maszyn Intralogistyka ISO 4414 ISO 7731 ISO 10218 ISO 11161 ISO 12100 ISO 12895 ISO 13732 ISO 13849 ISO 13850 ISO 13851 ISO 13855 ISO 13857 ISO 14118 ISO 14119 ISO 14120 ISO 14121 ISO 14122 ISO 14738 ISO 15011 ISO 19353 ISO 20607 ISO 21260 ISO 22100-5 Jednostka notyfikowana Kodeks pracy Koszty wypadku LOTO Maszyna nieukończona nieprawidłowe użycie Ogólne przepisy BHP Oznakowanie CE System oceny zgodności sztuczna inteligencja triada bezpieczeństwa zespół maszyn
najnowsze komentarze
Życie samo komentuje ten tekst. Niemieckie służby celne odniosły wielki sukces w obronie bezpieczeństwa narodowego, zmuszając „majsterkowicza” (Heimwerker) do zniszczenia…
Zwrócono mi kiedyś (niedawno, oj, niedawno) uwagę, że w przepisach występują często pojęcia nieostre, niezdefiniowane — i że nie ma…
Panie Stanisławie, trochę przespałem temat. Czy od opublikowania wpisu coś się zadziało? Wpłynęły jakieś uwagi? W przypadku Pana ostatniej propozycji…
więcej o niebezpiecznej koparce: https://ocenaryzyka.pl/2025/wiodl-slepy-kulawego-czyli-import-spoza-ue-w-praktyce/